Unlike most of America's other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it's very simple to do, and even a relative...
This is a delicious dish that can easily be used as a main dish. This is a recipe that I only follow measurements on the milk, the rest is by eye only...
Unlike most of America's other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it's very simple to do, and even a relative...
These burgers are so easy to make and so good! The sour cream and salsa dip is the perfect addition to these. Serve patties warm with sour cream and salsa...
This loaf is loaded with great flavors, is hearty and great for you! It truly melts in your mouth! You could make patties out of this recipe by leaving...
This loaf is loaded with great flavors, is hearty and great for you! It truly melts in your mouth! You could make patties out of this recipe by leaving...
This loaf is loaded with great flavors, is hearty and great for you! It truly melts in your mouth! You could make patties out of this recipe by leaving...
Our easy crumb topping -- a blend of butter, flour, light-brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon -- makes any muffin, no matter how simple, seem special. This...
Traditional lasagna goes vegetarian when you substitute the meat for vegetables like spinach and zucchini. Layer this spinach lasagna with 3 types of cheese...
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
Veggie burgers with a kick! My husband and I are not vegetarians at all, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of chicken and meat we eat because...
Veggie burgers with a kick! My husband and I are not vegetarians at all, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of chicken and meat we eat because...
A big bowl of seasoned popcorn goes a long way -- and is an excellent healthy snack. There's a secret to getting every last kernel to pop (let stand 30...
These make delicious party snacks and go well with chutney recipes. They can be frozen before cooking and then glazed and cooked from frozen for about...
Who knew you could use pizza dough to make dessert? Whether you use store-bought dough or make it from scratch, these sweet stuffed buns are a guaranteed...
For a quick snack, I buy the small tortilla shells in the refrigerated section in the store. I then spread peanut butter and or bananas/raisins on, fold...
Okay, so I'm obviously a fan of Doctor Who (and his Timey-Wimey device), but there is thyme involved! And cheese, and all of my recipe guinea pigs love...
To make grilled corn really pop, brush on one of our secret sauces: masala-lime butter or minty chili oil. Both come together with a few simple ingredients...
Unlike most of America's other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it's very simple to do, and even a relative...
A savory vegetarian pilaf of millet and vegetables, flavored with rosemary and wine. My daughter loved that it was made with 'birdseed' and she gave it...